Writers write.
My son knows this. Because he doesn't. He came home from one of his first classes at the engineering school. "It's so great to be around people who think the same way I do. I come from a family of writers!" (in disgust.)
You don't have to be paid for it. A writer will write.
A writer will write lengthy birthday cards.
A writer writes love notes.
A writer writes stories.
A writer writes instructions.
A writer writes lists.
A writer writes notes of inspiration.
My husband is not a writer. He has written me so few love notes over the years that I have taken to pinning them on my bulletin board so I can see them on a regular basis.
I, only the other hand, don't like buying birthday cards that have someone else's words in them. I prefer to write my own.
I have a journal for my husband and each of my kids where every year, at least on their birthdays and Valentine's Day, they get a note from me.
I write lessons to teach at Vacation Bible School, homeschool conferences, or Moms' support groups. Or just because I think it's a good idea and want to put it down in order.
I write stories. I talk about stories. I tell stories. I just have to.
I journal on a regular basis. I used to have them numbered. I think I have gotten about thirty filled since high school.
I study the Bible and other writers, chasing down words or thoughts, put them together in a coherent form, categorizing them by theme and pattern, which I then try to explain to the unsuspecting public. Which is really for my own benefit.
I am a writer. I will write forever.
What do you write?
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