Tuesday, May 29, 2018

#3 of 15 Ways to Teach Your Child to Write Using Books - Read Together

Reading aloud together is probably the most valuable educational tool you will ever have. I consider this to be of such importance that I am going to dismantle the subject and detail it further in later posts. But, why is this so important?

Well, quite apart from teaching your children to write, you are teaching your children that they are loved. You are teaching them that reading with them is something you are willing to take the time to do with them. When they pick the book, you are valuing their opinions. When you pick the book, you are showing respect for them, that you consider them worthy companions and intelligent enough to share your interests with.

Educationally, what does reading offer, particularly to the subject of writing? It exposes children to a greater vocabulary and to more difficult concepts than they have the capacity for on their own since they usually have a greater auditory understanding than visual understanding of language. It gives you all a chance to ask questions and pull apart meaning that can be applied in later experiences. My children love Shakespeare because I never have them read it. We watch it on DVD. Since the oldest were in their early teens, I would periodically stop the show and ask,"OK, do you know what's going on?" At which, they usually said, "No," and I would explain. That allowed them to "get" the story and really enjoy it.

Lastly, reading aloud gives your children a chance to use you as a sound board for digesting what they have read and applying it to their lives. And, that is the foundation of good writing.

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